DMCA Policy

The DMCA protects creators by setting legal boundaries around how copyrighted content can be used, ensuring that any reproduction or distribution is authorized.


Our Commitment to Copyright Protection

At Ddizi, we take the protection of intellectual property very seriously. Our DMCA Policy provides guidance on how to report any copyright infringement issues you might find on our platform.


What to Consider Before Submitting a DMCA Notice

Verify that you have ownership or the authority to represent the copyright owner before submitting an infringement notice. If unsure, consulting with an attorney is advisable.


Filing a DMCA Complaint

If you see that your copyrighted material is being used on Ddizi without permission, please file a DMCA Notice with our designated agent to address the issue.


To file a DMCA Notice, please include the following information:

To submit a DMCA Notice, you should provide:

  1. A signature from someone authorized to represent the copyright owner.
  2. Identification of the copyrighted work in question.
  3. Information on the allegedly infringing material on Ddizi, including URLs.
  4. Your contact details (address, phone number, and email).
  5. A statement that you believe the use is not authorized.
  6. A declaration that the information is accurate and that you have the authority to act.

Processing DMCA Notices

Properly submitted DMCA Notices will be evaluated based on DMCA regulations. If a valid copyright infringement claim is determined, we will take suitable actions, which could involve removing or disabling the infringing material.



If you believe that content removed or restricted in response to a DMCA Notice is not infringing, or if you were incorrectly identified as a copyright infringer, you can challenge this by filing a counter-notification.


Changes to This Policy

6. The DMCA Policy is subject to change by us at any time. We will post any changes on the Ddizi platform, and your ongoing use of the platform signifies your acceptance of the updated policy.


Reporting Copyright Infringement

To report copyright infringement on Ddizi, submit a DMCA Notice to the designated agent mentioned above. This sample policy might need to be tailored to comply with specific legal requirements in your jurisdiction. Legal advice is suggested to ensure compliance.